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Tax Preparation
We offer a full range of services to Individuals and Business Owners. Our services include Tax Preparation for: Individuals (1040), S-Corporations (1120S), C-Corporations (1120), Partnerships (1065), Tax Exempt Organizations (990) and Trusts (1041).

Tax Planning/ Tax Advisory

Whether you're an Employee or a Business


Owner, Tax Planning is essenitial in keeping


current with your tax liability.  We prepare 

Quarterly Projections for Individuals and


Business Entities as well as Year End Close-


Outs for Business Entities and Estimate

Tax Payments for Individuals which include

Retirement Contributions if applicable.



Tax Resolution

Never fear or be intimidated owing the IRS or State(s), we're hear to assist you in resolving your tax debt.  Because our Resolution Specialists are licensed IRS Enrolled Agents, we work closely with each taxing authority to bring you into compliance.  Our Specialists file all back taxes, second review your filihg history to see if you qualify for any penalty abatements which will reduce any tax debt owed, and finally determine your options of Offer In Comprise, Installment Agreement or Currently Not Collectible Status. 

Audit Representation


Truly the IRS and State(s) are looking much closer at every return filed.  Given the agressiveness of the IRS and State, audits are on the rise.  Our firm represents Individuals and Business Entities during the audit process.  We also represent Business Owners in Payroll Tax Audits, City Business License Audits, and Sales & Use Tax Return Audits.


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Business Consulting


We offer two types of services for Business Consulting, our traditional Business Consulting Services for existing clients in which we build a team around you and your companies growing needs and Ask Our Accountants for non-clients, start-ups companies or potential clients that would like the advise of an Accountant based upon the facts presented and source documentation received.  This service covers making decisions concerning your banking needs, contract negotiations, employees, payroll, health insurance benefits, investments, retirement accounts, tax notices, entity formation and more.  

Business Mgmt/Bookkeeping


Whether you're looking for monthly, quarterly or annual (write-up ) bookkeeping our team of bookkeepers are diverse ProAdvisors of Quickbooks Online and Quickbooks Software.  Our rates vary from hourly, monthly, or retainer based.  For more information please contact us.

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